A Good Start

A Fresh Start
We the people of India claims to be the best citizens of our country. But do we really worth it. Our country is becoming a country full of terrorists or should I call them demons. Even if we talk about our history people were much better at the time of Ramayana and Mahabharata. India was once called ‘Sonchiriya’ the golden sparrow. But now is it really?? India was called the golden sparrow not only because it was the richest country with full of gold but also due to the cultures, society, rites, spices, beauty and more over overall India was heaven on the earth. But now the country is becoming even worst then heals!! 
And the flaws are not due to a single person or some reserved people are responsible for it. The responsibility is ours, we are responsible for it. Our thinking is responsible for it. I am responsible and you are responsible have huge differences. If you blame others for what we are facing right now, then you are totally wrong. We have to change our self first to change the society. If we will start then only someone will come to stand with us, otherwise we will always be waiting for someone else to start and then we will join. Simply I say that “YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE GREAT TO START BUT YOU HAVE TO START TO BE GREAT”. The first thing one should never loose is ‘HOPE’. The 4 lettered word ‘HOPE’ is very powerful word. With this we can do anything we want. The second most powerful thing is our thinking and thoughts*. It only depends on what we are thinking and thoughts about something. Hope will work only if we have thoughts about something to achieve. Success comes to those who have thought about it wisely.
You know the best part is the magic inside you. You even don’t know how powerful you are but when you will come to know, you will get methods to get to your goal. Try to catch strengths and make yourself eligible, success will always run behind you.
*Thinking and thoughts will be discussed widely in other file.

Life is too short to start but too long to end up. So don’t wait, now is the right moment to start. 
Never ever give up.
Article By: A.D. Shubham from NGO_India 
Visit: www.ngoindia25.blogspot.com
Gmail: ngoindia25@gmail.com


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